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Maritime Radio - VHF Radio and DSC
Course cost:
$ 65 - Members*
$ 85 - Non-members
*Or current Boating students 
Includes manual,  exam and operator certificate

Click on dates to register

May 4, 12 and 14, 2009

Please note:
 Photo - ID will be required
prior to taking the exam. 


The Maritime Radio course teaches emergency radio procedures, as well as everyday operating techniques to you and your family. As well, the course prepares you for the Restricted Operator Certificate (Maritime) with DSC Endorsement examination.

In module 1, you will be taught the uses of marine radios, choice of frequencies, operation, phonetic alphabet, procedural words and phrases.

Module 2 covers Digital Selective Calling and the Global Maritime Distress and Safety System, (DSC/GMDSS). All mariners, including recreational boaters, will want to take advantage of the many features and capabilities of this innovative form “automatic” radio.

Secure your lifeline. Be sure that you and your family take the Maritime Radio course.  

Maritime Radio Secure your lifeline today 

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