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Extended Cruising course

Preparing for adventure
Course cost:
$ 120 - Members  
$ 140 - Non-members

(Includes student workbook, support materials, exam)

Duration: 9 weeks plus exam


To roam upon the seas has long been a dream of many adventurous sailors. In today’s fast paced life, the sea remains one of the few places where one can explore our planet while making a personal journey as well.

To make port successfully after a long sea voyage using your own boat and skills is a great accomplishment.

Offshore sailors must be able to fill all the roles of helmsperson, navigator, plumber, meteorologist, shipwright, radio operator, cook, doctor, sailmaker, mechanic and diplomat.

A combination of knowledge and experience coupled with the essential traits of patience and planning will lead towards rewarding voyages.

The “Extended Cruising” course helps establish the skills required for you to seek distant shores.  

Course Chief Instructor Wanita Gray is an accomplished bluewater sailor with many thousands of miles experience offshore. Individual course sections are taught by several highly-experienced offshore sailors.

  • The Boat

  • The Sails

  • The Well-found Vessel

  • Passage Planning

  • Passage Making

  • Oceanography and Weather

  • Weather

  • Instrumentation

  • Adverse Conditions

Establish the skills required to seek distant shores.

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Canadian Power & Sail Squadrons®
Escadrilles canadiennes de plaisance

Page updated:2011-08-15