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Boat Pro for the PCOC

Seminar and exam complete in 2 evenings
Cost $60 per person
Includes comprehensive manual, exam and licence

2 sessions:

May 5 - 12, 2009
Course filled

June 2 - 9, 2009
Course is full


The Boat Pro seminar provides you with the opportunity to prepare for your Pleasure Card Operator Card (PCOC) exam.

Clearly the best of the PCOC seminars available, this highly acclaimed seminar was one of the first to be accredited by the Canadian Coast Guard.

Crossing the border? CPS-ECP is one of the few providers of safe boating courses that is approved by both the Canadian Coast Guard and the U.S. National Association of State Boating Law Administrators.

Individuals passing the Boat Pro exam may apply for CPS-ECP Associate Membership. A leader in its field, the Boat Pro seminar is a great introduction for your family to boating safety, operation and navigation.

Get “The Card” today from CPS-ECP.     

  • Know Your Boat

  • Equipping Your Boat

  • Safety Awareness

  • Marine Rules of the Road–Collision Regulations

  • The Canadian Aids to Navigation Systems

  • Trailering/Transporting

  • Getting Underway

  • Anchoring

  • Docking

  • Locks

  • Water-related Activities

  • Preventive Maintenance

  • Be Weather Wise

  • Trip Plan

Canada’s best Pleasure Craft Operator Card seminar

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Canadian Power & Sail Squadrons®
Escadrilles canadiennes de plaisance

Page updated:2011-08-15