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Course cost:
(Includes student workbook, practice chart, plotter, plotting kit and support materials, first-year membership)

Both PCOC (boat licence) exam and final Boating exam are included in cost.

Tuesdays, 7 - 9:30pm for 12 weeks, including the final exam.
There are two sessions available:


Whether you are interested in powerboats, sailing vessels or kayaks, this course is for you! Enjoy boating activities year round by taking The Boating Course this fall or winter.

The Boating Course provides in depth boat operation and safety training. As well, you will experience the challenge of plotting and navigation.

Best of all, you will interact and make new friends with fellow recreational boaters while taking part in Canada’s premier boating course.

Successful completion of the accredited examination (midterm) will allow you to receive your Pleasure Craft Operator Card (PCOC), sometimes referred to as the "boat licence"..

Passing the final exam provides a complimentary first-year memebership in CPS-ECP (Canada’s largest association of recreational boating enthusiasts) and extends the benefits of membership. Review the member benefits at

Subject Areas
  • Characteristics of boats

  • Licensing, registration, and other requirements

  • Mandatory equipment

  • Optional equipment

  • Ropes, lines, and knots

  • Handling a boat under power

  • Handling a boat under sail

  • Weather

  • Preparing to launch

  • Skipper’s responsibilities before setting out

  • Skipper’s responsibilities when under way

  • Collision Regulations

  • Canadian aids to navigation

  • Emergencies

  • Canals and locks

  • Tides and tidal currents

  • Trailering

  • Winter lay-up

  • Waterskiing

  • Auxiliary boats

  • Checklist for lay-up

  • Pre-launch checklist

  • The magnetic compass

  • Anchors and anchoring


Canada’s premier recreational boater’s course

Copyright ©1998,2006
Canadian Power & Sail Squadrons®
Escadrilles canadiennes de plaisance

Page updated:2011-08-15